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  • immigrationmatters30
    05-09 06:59 AM
    We should form a union and flout our numbers to lobby aganist any bill. Unless we show our numbers nobody is going give flying f*** about us.

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  • CADude
    09-25 05:28 PM
    Read the post again Number posted is 877-246-8253 [Joint Intake Center] (LOL)..

    As it has been 85 days since my 485 reached in NSC and updates, so I called the 800-375-3283 and transfered to IO, she was very polite and told that now they are taking 120 days to issue receipts. ( fast service)

    As CAA dude post a 800-246-8253 this is Custom #. (lol)

    So they started to say now all we have to wait for another 30 days, there is no other way to get the receipt #, she said call once in a week if u are lucky, u may get ur receipt #,

    yes sending fax, e-mails, create a query this make sence to invistigate the pending application.

    Ok again ur count down starts against 120 days..........

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  • addsf345
    08-26 07:48 PM
    You probably chatted with a person sitting in a cubicle in India or some other inexpensive country. That person would be the customer rep of this company and other company as a contractor (not even an employee). So telling the chat lady will not do anything. She will just log her time and bill the company for chatting with you. You need to contact the senior executives of the company

    what you said is quite possible; though the person seem to be aware of vonage deal and was little worried of possible impact on teleblend's business. (They have $49.99 unlimited India plan - simply doesn't make any sense now...) I am calling them now, Again. Usually teleblend offers good quality services at lower price than vonage or lingo. If they don't come up with a good solution, I will move to vonage by this weekend.

    Here is teleblend number if anyone else also interested to call.

    Phone: 1-877-415-5635 or dial 611 from your Teleblend Phone

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  • gc_buddy
    09-15 02:13 PM
    Will call each and everyone of them.


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  • andy garcia
    07-10 07:43 PM
    We all know that IV is not Indian. More Indian!=All Indian. Lets not worry about it and most importantly I request IV members from all countries to ignore it as a reporter mistake as they script stories in their fashion to elicit more coverage. It is almost impossible to edit the story that has been distributed by Reuters/AP. Once its gone, its out of their hands.

    Maybe 80 -90 % Indian.:)

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  • pappu
    11-06 03:28 PM
    Check this:

    Defendants assert that the background check is a complex
    process that must accommodate an extremely large volume of requests
    from the USCIS. Given the backlog of name-check requests and the
    FBI�s limited resources, they maintain that the delay of two and a
    half years in processing Mr. Liang�s background check is not
    unreasonable. There is some validity to these points, and the
    Court appreciates that the name-check process is indeed complex and
    resource-intensive. But limited resources or not, a common-sense
    rule of reason dictates that if the FBI was performing background
    checks with due diligence, it would not take two and a half years
    to process Mr. Liang�s name. While the Court is sympathetic to the
    demands placed on the FBI and the limited ability of the USCIS to
    control how the FBI allocates its resources, a lack of sufficient
    resources devoted to name-check operations is a matter for the
    agencies to take up between themselves or with Congress. The
    executive branch must decide for itself how best to meet its
    statutory duties; this Court can only decide whether or not those
    duties have been met.
    See Dong, 2007 WL 2601107 at *11 (�[I]t is
    not the place of the judicial branch to weigh a plaintiff�s clear
    right to administrative action against the agency�s burdens in
    Moreover, although there is no Congressionally mandated
    timetable for the processing of I-485 applications, Congress has by
    statute expressed its view of what a reasonable amount of time is:
    �It is the sense of Congress that the processing of an immigration benefit application should be completed not later than 180 days
    after the initial filing of the application.� 8 U.S.C. � 1571.
    The Court recognizes that this statute was enacted prior to the
    events of September 11, 2001, and that the burdens on agencies with
    responsibility for immigration matters have since increased.
    Nonetheless, Plaintiffs� applications have been pending for five
    times the length of the period identified by Congress.
    Defendants argue that expediting Mr. Liang�s name check will
    prejudice other applicants who have been waiting longer than he -in some cases, since as long as December, 2002.
    While this would
    be unfortunate, Defendants� failure to fulfill their statutory duty
    to other applicants has no bearing on whether they have fulfilled
    their statutory duty to Plaintiffs, and thus cannot serve as a
    basis for denying Plaintiffs� motion.
    While Defendants worry that
    granting Plaintiffs relief may reward �the more litigious
    applicants� or encourage other applicants to file lawsuits,
    �perhaps recognizing this possibility will provide the defendants
    with adequate incentive to begin processing [I-485] applications in
    a lawful and timely fashion in order to obviate the applicants�
    need to resort to the courts for redress.� Dong, 2007 WL 2601107
    at *12.


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  • Canadian_Dream
    11-25 03:53 PM
    (8) Instead of land, the above applies to stocks as well.

    (9) The actual worth of land or stocks depend largely on supply and demand

    No siree Bob, there is a world of difference in Stock and Land/Real Estate. The value of your land is primarily driven by emotions and other intangible benefits.
    But Stocks are generally driven by future earnings and their value determined by P/E. When you buy a stock in a company: You are buying a future earnings in the form of dividend and an equity in the company. The board, CEO and employees of the company helps you get returns in your investment. For a real estate no one works towards your equity except may be you in backyard or your real estate broker.

    I am not saying stocks are not subject to supply and demand. They indeed are as any other commodity that is traded in a market place. But value of stocks can be more assessed fairly from balance sheet and income statement thus investment is more predictable. What differentiates stock from real estate one is how the value of each is assessed.

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  • imneedy
    05-19 11:14 AM
    Yes it is a concern that I have to address. However I see 2 ways to work around it.

    1. Travel out of country get H4 stamping done based on my current H1B status


    2. I apply for I-485 and add my wife later to the application when we have received her H4. In this case, once I have applied, I can add my wife to the application even if the dates are not current at that time.

    If I were you and my priority dates were current, I would go for 1 above [get H-4 stamped ASAP and enter in US and apply for I-485].


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  • trramesh
    01-06 07:06 AM
    I think the thread is perfectly valid and we should go for it. If someone has paid income taxes to US for 10 years, it is no mean thing. 10 years represent typcially about 25% of his/her earning life. After spending substantial percentage of one's life living in, and making contributions to, US, especially in his/her youth, the guy is more naturalised except that he does not have a citizenship card. Now how many of these guys will be able to slip back in to their own country to readjust their lives with american born and american grown kids.

    I think it is not only reasonable but also humane for the government to consider the plight of such people and issue citizenship. The yardstick for qualification will have to be worked out, but Saralayar listed some of the valid parameters like
    - 10 years working in US (legally)
    - 40 points in social security
    - no criminal record

    If I may share my thoughts on yardstick, it would be like this
    - 7 years of legal residence, contributions to SSN, and taxes should provide provisional GC
    - 10 years of legal residence, contributions to SSN, and taxes should provide citizenship
    - 7 years of legal residence post approved I-140 should provide citizenship

    Most of us in this forum must have already contributed over 75K-100K to IRS over the years. I strongly believe that the govt owes more than an obligation to take care of the interests of this skilled group.


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  • addsf345
    09-24 08:12 PM
    ALLVOI is like 1300 minutes for 19.99/month.

    Hmm... good option. Though I would still go with Vonage in this case.

    However ALLVOI does offer calling using your mobile phone. They charge $2 extra per month to register your mobile phone (up to 4 phones) and some token charge. Not bad.

    But I would probably go for Vonage and keep Tata Trueroots for those urgent cell phone calls.


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  • pponakan
    01-07 05:37 PM
    i am asking you guys in this thread...
    who support this idea and was here since 1998 or atleast from 2000
    (Pls note you shd have started your GC process on or before 2000. Then you know the things.
    If you came in 1998 and started GC just 1 or 2 years back..You may not be knowing the reality.)
    pls come forward...

    I am not questioning or discouraging your intentions/enthu/aggressiveness...

    I am asking not to waste the energy on useless things.
    Pls concentrate on GC related things which will benefit everybody.

    People laugh for the resolutions you suggested , if they can be proposed to any legislative member.

    Been here since 1998. Filed labor in 01 but was revoked due to tech downturn. Filed again in 05. Fortunately my GC was approved last Aug.

    I think the final goal for most folks is citizenship.. including some of those who dont want to stay here permanently. Waiting 15 - 20 years for citizenship makes no sense.. if they are thinking of giving it to illegals in 10 years, whats wrong in asking?

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  • meridiani.planum
    03-05 11:08 AM
    Hi guys,

    I am about to leave my employer and I want to withdraw my set (with wife derivative). Can you please help me with the procedure? And is it safe to leave the employer without effecting the other set where my wife is primary applicant and me as derivative.

    Thanks in advance.

    are you sure you want to withdraw? All that you need to do i ssend a letter to USCIS indicating your receipt number. Make it clear to them that you want to keep the other one still going (mention its receipt numbers).

    I would personally not withdraw simply because if they screw up and withdraw BOTH petitions, I can forget about filing another AOS for another decade...


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  • SunnySurya
    08-07 11:01 AM
    I am the later...
    Many of us are prone to extreme selfishness. You could be a numberusa guy or really frustrated EB applicant.

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  • check_rd
    06-24 03:01 AM
    Mine case is labor 06/2002 EB3, I-140 approved.
    Spouse labor priority date is 06/2007 EB2, I-140 needs to be applied.

    Acoording to my lawyer one cannot have 2 I-485's and though i explained that no such return rule he said its a risk and will get RFE and delays and personally does not recommend.

    I am going to check with my wife lawyer on Monday and its well reputed law firm.

    Since we both have stable jobs i am probably going to opt for my I-485 which has been already been filed and just file I-140 for my wife's case. Any thoughts ?


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  • NKR
    08-07 10:53 AM
    Not cutting line my friend, just standing and waiting paitently in line for my number to come.

    An EB3 guy had waited patiently after getting into GC queue and you come later with your masters and go ahead of him, isn;t this cutting the GC line?.

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  • delhirocks
    07-11 09:36 AM
    This is about me. I was photographed yesterday!!

    Good job...proud of you


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  • hazishak
    09-14 11:19 PM
    Why they need name check when they have finger print? Name can be change any time where as finger print cant be.

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  • anura
    04-06 08:20 AM
    GC_ASP: "This is seems to be completely different from what they claimed "substantial" before..."

    Two weeks is substantial considering that in May EB2I movement is supposed to 0 days. :)

    On a more serious note, Shusterman had to adjust the statement because everyone is going to question their credibility when the VB comes out and if it is only 2 weeks and not the 'years' that they claimed. Shusterman is just another person who spoke too much too early.

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  • vnandster
    08-20 01:07 PM
    The plan comes out to $33.6* inclusive of taxes in lake county IL which translates to $400/year

    Not good for a low volume India caller for me. I have ooma @$200 and I don't spend $200/year calling India. I use the 3.29c/min access number calling card (not the cheapest of all) and aided with all the promotions (Diwali, Independence day etc.), I manage to stay below $200/year mark.

    09-23 09:32 PM
    May be it was updated on the website on 25th Aug 09, System date should be present on the report, Report with out date on it is meaning less, I hope the USCIS IT team will understand that, I dont understand what kind of reporting specialists USCIS hires, that is a fundamental thing USCIS should know, Report should have a system time stamp on it saying when it was generated.

    10-26 09:50 PM
    Thanks vikki76. Yes, finally I feel like I can breathe again....

    Where is your case at? Is it TSC or NSC? If it's TSC, please send me a private message and I will give you the name of the IO. You really need to talk to this IO, and I think you will get the exact info you need.

    As one of the posters mentioned earlier, your case with the IO could mean:
    1) It's either in the holding area
    2) Or with the officer on their desk

    You want to somehow get your case to 2 - on the officers desk. If its sitting in the holding area, you can ask the IO (if they are willing to help) to send a polite reminder to the IO who your file has been assigned to letting them know that your case is current and needs to be looked at.

    Another thing the IO mentioed to me was that the case could sit in the holding area for long if the IO that the case has been assigned to is on vacation (or out sick). I'm hoping that's not the case with your application

    Good luck to you, I hope you get green soon too...

    This is really great news. Congratulations caliguy--I have been following your posts since Sept and know that you were quite active (read that perturbed) on your case.
    One less thing to worry about in life.
    You have been quite persistent in your efforts to get correct answer from IO.

    In my case- when I reached IO using POJ- I was told that case has been predjudicated, and now assigned to IO. How do I get more info than this? Even I have multiple 140-so ,I too am bit worried about that part.

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