Baffle Head Duck

images by the local BAFFLE Poetry Baffle Head Duck. Anna pointed at these ducks in
  • Anna pointed at these ducks in

  • jonty_11
    05-19 12:39 PM
    Staff is always nice...Engage them in a pleasant conversation and u will come out feeling good..

    Waht is important is your phone call...Numbers please keep calling...
    Dont feel shy or apprehensive.....just request them to support the bills..and thats it..if they engage in any conversation keep th mood as pleasant as possible...It takes less than 2 mins per call...

    wallpaper Anna pointed at these ducks in Baffle Head Duck. of the affle size amp; using the
  • of the affle size amp; using the

  • gc_dega_gandhigiri
    08-04 08:37 PM
    I got my ead today. I efiled on 30th April. Unfortunately I got only for 1 year.
    My PD is EB2 Oct 06.

    Baffle Head Duck. Baffle
  • Baffle

  • hellomms
    05-09 06:03 PM
    My attorney sent an email inquiry to DOL regarding my case. Within less than 12 hours a response was received -

    It sounds like a pre-written text that goes to every inquiry they get.

    Thanks for sharing your experience, I dont buy into their FIFO process. May be its applicable in the Non-Audit cases but cases that get audited are just being piled up at someone's desk and that person is most likely dead (does not exist) :mad:

    2011 of the affle size amp; using the Baffle Head Duck. sifu of peking duck house. it
  • sifu of peking duck house. it

  • tonyHK12
    09-29 12:12 PM
    I gave you a genuine idea to go and meet your lawmaker. You ignored that.

    Why can't you speak for yourself and stand on your own feet. Are you illegal in this country?
    If you still want to do more, then contact IV and volunteer with them or help them. Do not try and become someone's agent to increase their business.

    What the point of meeting a law maker, exchange pleasantries? They aren't going to write a Bill because 1 person said so.
    Read my post again, I am legal, EB2 India I-140 approved.
    Repeat, Not associated with any lawyer or party.
    I am trying to get people to join together - but you can't see that.


    Baffle Head Duck. The affle edges were
  • The affle edges were

  • samswas
    05-04 09:46 AM
    NSC, I got the email last night.


    Baffle Head Duck. High quality duck down
  • High quality duck down

  • anilsal
    09-21 02:03 AM
    1) Asked Pdakwala, if his last name meant postman. He said Yes, I am the one who gets receipt notices.
    2) GSC999 - what is the announcement that you just made? He said, no announcement - I talk loud.
    3) Getting a call from paskal on Monday midnight to tell me that the hotel had ended business with them. I said, I am in China Town with the IL chapter folks - You can join. He said, aman is taking him to some hotel alexandria or such.
    4) At the airport on the way back, paskal giving me a lecture on why being scared of wife is good, when all I asked was "why don't u eat a slice of pizza like me before boarding your flight?" He started to piece together things I had emailed in the past few days. Paskal and I happened to have different flights to Chicago and Minneapolis at gates closer to each other. Paskal seemed flustered with a few hours delay.


    Baffle Head Duck. Kanye#39;s quot;Powerquot; Gets Baffling
  • Kanye#39;s quot;Powerquot; Gets Baffling

  • jchan
    05-15 10:48 PM
    By sending flowers we can raise the visibility and let more people be aware how they are holding us hostages, while we are responding by flowers

    2010 Baffle Baffle Head Duck. by the local BAFFLE Poetry
  • by the local BAFFLE Poetry

  • buddyinsd
    08-06 01:23 AM
    Looks like out of excitement ppl r posting on both the tracker threads...and most of the other guyz waiting r feeling the pain.Every hour seems to be going like a day rite now.OMG whenz all of this comin to an end???


    Baffle Head Duck. Duck in Central Park New York
  • Duck in Central Park New York

  • idreamofgc
    05-01 05:26 PM
    Center: Chicago
    PERM Filed: July 2007
    PERM Audit Replied: August 2007
    category : EB2
    Field of work : Software Engineer
    Qualification: MS + 1 year

    I has been almost 9 months after audit reply at Chicago. All of my colleagues who filed after me, got certified. It feels like I am the only loser around at work.

    hair sifu of peking duck house. it Baffle Head Duck. #2: Farm duck/mallard hybrid
  • #2: Farm duck/mallard hybrid

  • Mr. Brown
    09-29 04:39 PM
    This post should be in a very prominent place (like About Us etc.) on this website.

    The poster has not only made it abundantly clear about the reason for IV's existence but also made it plenty clear about what they have done and more importantly learnt in the past 5 years.

    I have been visiting this site on/off for the past couple years and didn't know half of it.

    We are spinning in circles here and it is like reinventing the wheel. This is THE grassroots org �THAT you want to set-up. already set up to achieve exactly that � YES, YES �We want Congress to introduce a bill to reduce backlogs. The core goal of IV is to have a bill that has our provisions. That is exactly what this organization was set up to achieve. You seem to be a newcomer to this struggle. Have you followed IV from 2005 Dec when a buch of members got together on some other forums and watched helplessly as good provisions (that were meant to allievate our troubles) were taken out at the last minute from a bill during debate.
    Since then we have tried and tried and frankly have matured enough to understand that the politics of the immigration issue is complex and any standalone bill �just for us- has no chance.

    Our provisions have to be clubbed with all the rest of the minor and major groups � that want reform. There is the nurses lobby, the doctors, the illegal lobby, the dream activists, and many other fringe groups, they all want their issues to be addressed. The anti-immigrants are a big opposition to any small relief that comes up in debate. NOW- We have learnt that we need to work with all these groups, form alliances and lobby hard to get a bill that has more support.

    If you go meet with your lawmakers you will understand that our issue is a miniscule little piece of a bigger issue of Immigration. And different varying and sometimes opposing groups have to be accommodated. The politics of immigration is convulted with different factions of the society wanting different things � Our little issue is straightforward and we enjoy a lot more support for our provisions, unfortunately we were clearly told that we have to be clubbed with these other groups when it comes to seeking a bill for reform. We are being held hostage also by the Hispanic lobbyists, that feel that if smaller bills come up and are passed, there will be no apetite for their bigger issue of legalizing a big core of mostly Hispanic illegal immigrants.

    FOR A RECAP- after this administration came into office �Jan 09- We had hopes and were promised that CIR (Comprehensive Immigration Reform) will be taken up, if that fails then smaller bills will be allowed to be taken up. If you have watched the developments carefully �There was never a time and a lot of groups including IV lobbied and lobbied hard to be heard and to get a bill but- the legislative calendar with so much other priorities had no space for any immigration bill this year. After the healthcare bill, Nobody has had any energy for a big controversial bill.

    Long story-short is YES, we want a bill (either clubbed with others) or amendments inserted into a bill- But have not been able to get it done.

    The reason for this failure is us- IV Members. We have not met our lawmakers in the numbers that are important to make an impact. We have to do it every month- building pressure to get a positive sympathetic response. Now some members (including yours truly) have gone and met our respective lawmakers more than 6-8 times in the last year, but that is again not enough, that is just 20-25 odd members compared to total IV Strength of 40,000members. It has to be an ongoing effort, just like the dream activisits have done, they meet with lawmakers regularly, highlight their frustrations and are open to media �giving interviews and keeping their issue alive in the limelight.

    IV has come up with specific recommendations for what we would like to see in a bill/s for our community. IV actively analyses any bill that comes up or has a chance to come up for debate. If you want to get your hands on that document, contact Anu or Pappu and ask for the IV_Advocacy package.

    We do have a paid lobbying firm that represent our interests and educates lawmakers. This is not enough, because during debates lawmakers behave as if they do not have highly skilled immigrants in their constituency and so do not have to pay attention. This is mainly IV members fault, since we have not been able to visit lawmakers offices in the numbers that we should. Our members need to show up at lawmakers offices and educate them. Tell them you live in their constituency and represent IV so that when the lobbying firm does their work, they are paying attention and our voices are not ignored or drowned.

    Individual members need to be open, honest, and courageous enough to talk to their lawmakers and media about issues we face. Just crying and debating on IV's website does not help. Talk about introducing a bill for us to your lawmakers � not here on IV.


    Baffle Head Duck. Cooling BafflesHow 2?
  • Cooling BafflesHow 2?

  • ilwaiting
    06-18 06:59 AM
    There is something called fraud protection fee that companies pay for initial H1's. So USCIS has the funds to protect the fraud, the question lies if they are really implementing it.

    The GOVT should state that those who apply for H1 should make it mandatory for the employees to be in US within 30 - 45 days of obtaining US Visas and be present in US on employment in continous increments of 1 year. And they need to show pay stubs continously.

    - Then we can easily filter out WIPRO, Infosys, Consulting company from misusing. For example Wipro will apply 5000 H1s and then send people when they eventually get a project, out of 5000, may be 1000 may show up in 6 months. So In this case 4000 H1s can get invalid. Indian companies find it sending people overseas is expensive business and would enjoy offshoring projects. If the govt makes this rule, consulting companues will be forced to start paying H1 folks from Day 1, no bench period, plus "Candidates need to show up in person immdlty in US". We kill 2 birds with 1 stone. 1, dummy H1s will not be applied, 2, if they approve H1s then they have to send engineers immdlty for which they may not be really ready, since they only anticipate projects and may not need so many H1s right away !...

    THis will be a sure shot solution.

    hot The affle edges were Baffle Head Duck. In Search of a Head • (0)
  • In Search of a Head • (0)

  • kittu1991
    04-08 03:26 PM
    Actually, H.R. 5921: High Skilled Per Country Level Elimination Act is equally important. Why am I from India being discriminated against as compared to my neighbor from some other country if we are doing the same job for the same company. That way if everybody is in the same boat maybe there will be more uproar about 5882 because I'm sure other populations are more vocal than Indians and Chinese.

    When everybody is equally screwed with EB3 - U for all categories.


    house Pacific Coast Baffle Channel Baffle Head Duck. *POSE PROP: Baffle!
  • *POSE PROP: Baffle!

  • auditi
    12-18 10:21 AM
    Need help on the following the questions.

    Present status: Spouse (Wife) of a H1B holder (Husband) currently working on H1B.
    1. If wife resigns (reason being pregnant and can�t work, FMLA is not an option) would she immediately loose her status as H1B? Would her status be H4?
    2. Presently wife has SSN, bank account, credit card etc., so what would happen to those if she falls back to H4?
    3. If she wants to get back to a separate similar job, would she be subject to new H1B quota for which she has to wait till 10/2009 � 11/2009 or her new H1B be a case of transfer?

    Please share your experience/knowledge. Thanks.

    tattoo High quality duck down Baffle Head Duck. Bird House amp; Poses: Baffle!
  • Bird House amp; Poses: Baffle!

  • coopheal
    05-15 04:49 PM
    I made calls to all the offices listed.
    You know feel better after doing that; may be it�s due to feeling of doing something for me/my future.


    pictures Kanye#39;s quot;Powerquot; Gets Baffling Baffle Head Duck. I used duct tape to
  • I used duct tape to

  • MeraNaamJoker
    08-03 03:53 PM

    TRUE my rd is Aug1


    My RD is September 13th.:eek:

    dresses In Search of a Head • (0) Baffle Head Duck. Look carefully at the head
  • Look carefully at the head

  • doknek
    05-06 09:46 AM
    How many more do we need to start acting on the issue?


    makeup Duck in Central Park New York Baffle Head Duck. Pacific Coast Baffle Channel
  • Pacific Coast Baffle Channel

  • NolaIndian32
    04-15 10:11 AM
    Team IV has established a Blog Site for Team IV Members where you can also get advice from two professional personal trainers. Site info will be provided to Team IV members via e-mail and in the Welcome Package.

    girlfriend Bird House amp; Poses: Baffle! Baffle Head Duck. Duck pond spring
  • Duck pond spring

  • GC08
    04-07 07:09 PM
    I cannot agree with you more.

    Until H1B and GC are based on individual's credentials, there will be no protection on foreign workers, American workers and salary stability.

    hairstyles Cooling BafflesHow 2? Baffle Head Duck. of the Ducks-Predators
  • of the Ducks-Predators

  • justAnotherFile
    06-29 01:41 PM
    just found this post on

    If USCIS is planning on using up all 40K by July 2, and not accepting applications why would they put out a memo like this?

    questions are never ending, the only thing in our control is to push our lawyer to file asap.


    USCIS to Suspend Premium Processing for All I-140 Petitions Beginning July 2

    In a press release issued today, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has announced that it will impose a temporary suspension of premium processing services for all Form I-140 immigrant worker petitions from July 2, 2007 to August 1, 2007. Premium services are being suspended because USCIS expects a surge of I-140 filings beginning on July 2, when immigrant visa priority dates become current for nearly all employment-based categories. The agency anticipates that, due to the high volume of filings, it will be unable to meet the 15-day processing goal of the service.

    During the 30-day period, USCIS plans to review its decision to halt premium processing of I-140s, and could extend the suspension beyond August 1 if, due to its workload, the agency remains unable to guarantee 15-day processing. Note that premium processing services are currently suspended for I-140 petitions for which a labor certification substitution is being requested, pursuant to a new Department of Labor (DOL) regulation that prohibits substitution of labor certification beneficiaries beginning July 16, 2007.

    07-14 12:46 PM
    coopheal ,
    I have been contributing. Even for the latest Capitol Hill effort I did call my friends and they did contribute. I have the numbers. I myself contributed 100$. I would have spent at least 8 hours making calls and making my friends contribute $. I never gave up on that. But still I do not get enough motivation to keep this doing. I have collected around 200$ at my work for meeting the lawmakers effort but returned the money to individuals. I am sure it would have ended up helping EB2.


    I participated in IV lobby day. Myself along with other IV members presented the talking points to lawmakers. One thing I can say for sure is those materials didn't have a single line for EB2 alone. IV's strategy is to strive for common solutions which would benefit every one.

    04-15 06:46 PM
    Great initiative and kudos to NolaIndian for making it happen!

    I love to go for long walks, so count me in for that part! Not sure if I can commit myself to the SF event... need some more time to make up my mind on this one!

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