peregrine falcon in flight

peregrine falcon in flight. peregrine falcon - flight 1. wild peregrine, taken in New Orleans, LA
  • peregrine falcon - flight 1. wild peregrine, taken in New Orleans, LA

  • dmelgar
    Jul 22, 09:46 AM
    ALL phones are subject to detuning. The amount of detuning is up to the phone but this is natural. When someone told me, your signal drops when hold the iphone in a wierd s***.

    Untrue. The iPhone is the only phone affected this way. Apple implying a lie doesn't make it true.

    peregrine falcon in flight. Gyr falcon in flight
  • Gyr falcon in flight

  • getalifemacfans
    Jan 9, 01:03 PM
    I wouldn't put much faith in the opinions of a person demonstrably unable to coherently express himself.

    This was a personal meaning and yes i use logic when i express myself, maybe you're iq is low and you must attack somebody to make you're higher thats youre personal meaning to(low iq as well - haha(dont take it personally).And yes i think the iphone sucks i have had so much telephones over the years and i think it's just a ipod halo effect(like much off apple is).Look at the ipod touch - go figure.
    And like allways some guys must have with a spoon.the membersname is ironic...put faith in what you want i dont care..(buddha ore jesus)thats your personal we go with that spoon - "dadda....
    haha...allways funny.. your sincerly
    best regards

    peregrine falcon in flight. Ready For Flight - Peregrine
  • Ready For Flight - Peregrine

  • QCassidy352
    May 3, 11:01 PM
    IMO, until the ipad gets this, which is entirely possible, it will remain more of a toy than a tool, and all these commercials will be nothing but fodder for the haters.

    there's nothing wrong with toys, and this is a nice one, but these lines about doctors, CEOs, etc., are just plain ridiculous.

    Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, and yours is wrong.
    -Dave Barry

    peregrine falcon in flight. JPG. An adult Peregrine Falcon
  • JPG. An adult Peregrine Falcon

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 8, 01:11 PM
    Why would they need to have a promotion for the hottest selling device in the world?:confused::rolleyes:

    You guys don't get it do you, the promotion is not for the iPad, they are going to use some stock of the iPad to promote some other stuff and make money. The iPad is the draw in this case, not the promotion in and of itself.


    peregrine falcon in flight. Keywords: falcon flight wings
  • Keywords: falcon flight wings

  • uNext
    Nov 24, 10:14 AM
    what a pitiful thanksgiving sale apple provided.

    nothing to wow about.

    peregrine falcon in flight. And, a Peregrine doing an
  • And, a Peregrine doing an

  • Loalq
    Jan 12, 07:45 PM
    It is a difficult to create a reputation as a blogger then they do this...

    If one headless guy chose to do that, then it was GIZMODOs responsability to deal with him, not to endorse him by exposing this stupidity on their site.

    This is news media after all, not the Borat show.


    peregrine falcon in flight. Falcon - Peregrine Falcon by
  • Falcon - Peregrine Falcon by

  • ign
    Nov 19, 11:37 PM
    what if they make an amd based substitute of the 12' powerbook? that'd be awesome, I would definitely go for it. i really miss a pro laptop that's not as big as the 15' .... the macbooks with their plastic alloy and glossy screen aren't appealing at all, considering they don't even have a decent graphic card....:(

    peregrine falcon in flight. Falcon in flight, plus
  • Falcon in flight, plus

  • FreeState
    Apr 15, 05:53 PM
    What will be next? Here are some fine suggestions:
    - Gay Arts
    - Gay Phys.Ed.
    - Gay Comp.Sci.

    LOL - well currently in CA it is common place to not learn anything about gay history (Stonewall etc), yet alone mention that someone that does get mentioned (which is very few) was gay. Including LGBT history is not only the right thing to so, one does not learn history when you leave out things, but it has been shown to decrease harassment and bullying of LGBT students. Can you imagine going to a public school and having everything related to your culture/group excluded from the curriculum? What does that teach the students about LGBT people?


    peregrine falcon in flight. Peregrine Falcon in flight near Old Harrys Rocks, Dorset coast,. Peregrine Falcon in flight near Old Harrys Rocks, Dorset coast, England
  • Peregrine Falcon in flight near Old Harrys Rocks, Dorset coast,. Peregrine Falcon in flight near Old Harrys Rocks, Dorset coast, England

  • tktaylor1
    Apr 11, 02:54 PM
    New glasses. I have to pick up another pair in 2 weeks.

    peregrine falcon in flight. View of a peregrine falcon in
  • View of a peregrine falcon in

  • MacAddict1978
    Apr 16, 04:03 PM
    why do music companies make it so difficult to distribute their music? weird.

    It's because they wan't to make it more enticing for people to steal music instead of making it easier for them to buy it. They can sue 80 year old ladies for a $million for 1 Incubus song... (no, seriously, they did.) That's a much better haul than 99 cents right? :D

    Sounds like the Record companies are being their typical stupid selves. Only reason Apple is really able to get away with it is because they are Apple. It is not the closed system part but because they are Apple. I bet if the record company could they would say F you to Apple and pull out. I also would not be surpised if they regreat now making a deal with them when iTunes first launched.

    This stinks over all. It is not closed or open argument. This is a record company being record companies.

    iTunes made legally downloading relevant. We'd still not have a model like this if Apple hadn't done it (no one thought apple would grow to such a behmoth back at the time iTunes Store was born). We'd having something, but I doubt we'd have the flexibility of individual tracks at that price if individual tracks at all. Really, even though there is still piracy, iTunes probably saved the music industry more than it killed it IMO. And if the record labels don't like people cherry picking the 2 good songs of an ablbum, start putting out artists that have albums without filler (like that kesha creature)


    peregrine falcon in flight. Kettle - Peregrine Falcon
  • Kettle - Peregrine Falcon

  • Benjy91
    Mar 28, 03:33 PM

    Ooh the arguments are getting heated up in this thread :D

    Thought I'd offer a light refreshment.

    peregrine falcon in flight. Peregrine Falcon calling in
  • Peregrine Falcon calling in

  • alexprice
    Jan 9, 04:41 PM


    peregrine falcon in flight. Peregrine Falcon in Flight
  • Peregrine Falcon in Flight

  • TeppefallGuy
    Aug 1, 08:40 PM
    I spent 15 minutes registering for an account only to find out that The Daily Show is off limits for Norwegian buyers. I then tried to buy a DVD - only to discover that the DVD is US zone only. The Apple DVD player will not play it without a zone switch. And max is 4 times per OS install.

    The only way I can get The Daily Show is:

    1 - $$$ porn package from cable company
    2 - YouTube
    3 - Piracy

    I'm not 12 years old.. I don't have the time to pirate anything. So the only TDS for me is on YouTube. Quail hunting with the VP !!

    iTunes+DRM == Avis. You don't own ****. So... in Norway... DRM ! It's a crime !!

    Also.. The default M4A bit rate used by iTunes is a joke. You have to be 80 years old not to notice the huge difference between a CD and a standard iTunes M4A track.

    peregrine falcon in flight. Peregrine Falcons, Falco
  • Peregrine Falcons, Falco

  • MattyMac
    Oct 10, 10:14 PM
    i made a quick mockup of what it could be like, i left out some details. I changed the dvd icon to a mail/gtube one(youtube) because it supossdly has wi-fi.....opinions?
    Dude that would be sweet!

    If it was like a PDA too and had MAIL...I would be all over it.

    EDIT: I would be all over it anyway...what the heck am I talking about.


    peregrine falcon in flight. Peregrine falcons: in pictures
  • Peregrine falcons: in pictures

  • puuukeey
    Jan 9, 01:51 PM
    I've been know to be cruel:D

    peregrine falcon in flight. Peregrine Falcon in Flight - Falco peregrinus. This is a Male Peregrine Falcon (assuming male) that is a resident in Downtown Corpus Christi (Exact location
  • Peregrine Falcon in Flight - Falco peregrinus. This is a Male Peregrine Falcon (assuming male) that is a resident in Downtown Corpus Christi (Exact location

  • Marky Mark
    Sep 28, 03:15 PM
    Is the update available now?

    Just ran software update and there are updates for all the iLife apps.

    It specifically states 'avoid incompatibility with Aperture 1.5". I guess they're adding the Aperture integration so it can't be far away!


    peregrine falcon in flight. Peregrine+falcon+hunting
  • Peregrine+falcon+hunting

  • Giuly
    Apr 8, 06:20 AM
    I got'd recently and this one arrived at my doorstep today.

    These just died, after giving me a whopping 23 days of usage:
    I'm wondering why the Magic Mouse comes with batteries intended for Canada (, though.

    peregrine falcon in flight. Falcon takes flight from
  • Falcon takes flight from

  • koruki
    Mar 17, 06:12 PM
    for the things you mentioned you should replace the word 'envy' with 'jealously' :)

    I've bought the first iPhone and have never gone back. I totally understand your situation lol, it comes with owning any luxury item. Usually its people who've never owned it themself that go bashing it. I personally haven't had as much encounters but I have friends who get harassed constantly lol.

    The antennagate thing is the classic example of a non-user/owner reading some silly article and gripping it for every attack. None of my friends or myself use a case and we have absolutely no reception issues.

    The funniest case was my friends colleague attacking him, saying it was the worse phone ever, most overpriced phone ever, its heavy! it has no flash! His Xperia X10 was miles better! Week later he buys his own iPhone 4 and stayed quiet about the topic. I rest my case.

    On a positive note, I always get good encounters with the girls at work about iPhones lol.

    peregrine falcon in flight. Peregrine falcon over Crystal
  • Peregrine falcon over Crystal

  • miggyb
    Jan 6, 01:22 PM
    Google Video + YouTube + Myspace + Apple's Servers = enough bandwidth?

    If not, could someone put up a torrent? From what it sounds like, the torrent would download quicker than the quicktime stream. Especially once you start getting 100+ seeders.

    The question is, how many hardcore mac users know how to forward their ports? I'm making a guess that the average point-and-click user isn't also the one to know the exact date of the yearly keynote. Isn't it more of a developer/advanced user thing?

    Mar 18, 08:57 PM
    alright dude, sorry for the rant. but based on your response, you're really not getting my point, so I'm going to stop trying.

    No I get your point, and on reflection maybe envy was too strong a word. I don't know man I'm just going to give up too. :p

    Sep 12, 07:37 AM

    This is like Independence Day, you know, everybody reporting in from everywhere that spaceships are sighted.

    HAHA.. how very very true

    Dec 13, 09:49 AM
    Appropriate Page 2 post, I think.

    There are some parts to this rumor that just don't add up. If/when I have time later I'll post more...

    Sep 8, 08:43 AM
    i won't defend the first comment, seems kinda overboard, though i bet it's way out of context.

    however, the second comment... yeah, he probably drives a sweet car, but he also isn't in a political position in which he could be helping deal with the african poverty/aids crisis...

    in both quotes, you have to look at the idea behind the words, not just take the words literally. but *he's* the dumbass...

    I agree somewhat on the second point, but instead of just bashing others for not doing something, why doesn't he make an effort?

    Because bashing others creates news, and it sells......

    Apr 17, 02:07 AM
    Staying in. It's pouring with 40-50 mph winds. I gots me some sodomy last night though. ;)

    Hope you get some too!

    I love that video. Cracks me up every time I see it.

    Oh, I've been a fan of Randall's Animals for I while. :) The vampire bat and American bullfrog ones are great too.

    Because the promotion of homosexuality is detrimental to a society and the people who promote it know this. For example, the mere announcement of a gay history curriculum causes conflicts such as the one in this thread and especially moreso in the real world. Instead of fighting about such stupid things as this, our school system should be heavily decentralized so that you can decide whether or not your child learns about homosexual history by simply selecting a non-political, non-psychologically damaging school in your area and everything would be fine and kept separate, but no, the people who run everything love to just mash everybody into one big public school system and slowly change the rules to cause people to fight all because of what is essentially 4% of the population.

    Please explain to me why the promotion of ignorance is a benefit to society. Conflict is part of how we learn. If we are never challenged, how do we grow? Can I also assume you are against all sports? Those involve conflict and fights as well.

    And please explain, with evidence, how people learning about the struggles of gay people throughout history psychologically damages anyone. Your assertions get more ridiculous with every post. It's almost surreal.

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